Designer, Textile Sculptor, Photographer

A German designer, now based in Provence, France, who started her career accidentally: Instead of sewing curtains she changed her mind and decided to sew herself a dress. This was the moment she discovered her talent.

Elke Walter is a self-taught designer. From the beginning she refused to copy others, and instead found her way into her own creativity. Back in Hamburg she had a store and an own workshop and sold her collections to private clients, as well as boutiques worldwide.

She realized that with the success, limitations to her creativity would be introduced, as she constantly had to work in series, and create one seasonal collection after the other. A hard cut was required.
She closed her Hamburg-based business and moved to the south of France, where she dedicated her work to the basics of good design. Fulfilling her dream of a permanent black collection that has all the advantages a garment can have from the first time it is being worn. Her –essentials- line was born, completed by the -unisex/essentials-. Around this basic collection she designed a universe of textile accessories and sumptuous one-of-a-kind creations, letting her creative urge lead her to textile sculptures.

Being embedded in the overwhelming nature of her beautiful Provence surrounding is what led her to a new creative path, photography. With this medium, she is able to show not only her creations, but also the inspiration she finds every day in the nature around her.

Today Elke Walter leaves her workshop only a few times a year to show her work in selected galleries. To her this is also the possibility to get a direct contact to her clients and fans.

I have the feeling that I’m living in perfect harmony with the nature around me, in which I find inspiration every day. In creating design based on these thoughts and with what the universe gave me as a talent, I’m inviting those who are open to this language to participate“. Elke Walter, 2013